SHINY people

Brandon Miller - Principal: Design

Brandon Miller Brandon was a tremendously gifted but horribly misunderstood child. He graduated from some fancy-schmancy art school out East and now he thinks he's better than everyone else. Which is fine - because he is.

Brandon burns with the heat of a thousand infernos - unleash him on your next design project and then just sit back with an expression on your face that is half awe and admiration; half abject horror.

The man. The myth. The Miller.

Marc Needham - Principal: Technology

Marc Needham Marc has led a varied career across a number of continents - a winding path that has led him (as a matter of fate, some might say) to join forces with Brandon Miller in founding SHINY.

With a ridiculously large skills set Marc charges at projects head-first - like an enraged bull. An enraged bull on some kind of drugs that make him larger, meaner, and more precise than other enraged bulls. Marc likes nothing more than a good challenge, thriving on adrenaline and the rush that comes when a project pops out the other end all SHINY and smooth.

Sean U'Ren - Manager: Web Content and Media

Sean U'Ren Sean U'Ren has been an essential part of the Shiny Team for several years, providing web and video support, editorial work and the grooming of words for public consumption. More than just a team player, he's like a well-groomed coach with a smoker's cough who will somehow guide your ragtag assembly of video, audio and text to the state championships. Of powerpoint.

If you're hurting for creative solutions or you just need someone to answer a question about youtube, ask him and you'll receive an exhaustive answer. Or he may just shake his head and get to work. He's from Wisconsin, they're all like that over there.

SHINY    913 W. Van Buren, Chicago, IL 60607    CONTACT